Utilizing data from ECOSTRESS on the International Space Station

This project looks at ECOSTRESS’ images from the International Space Station. These images show the evapotranspiration of the Arkansas River, and explores how depletion of water and increase of drought creates stress on plants. I compared 2018 and 2022. First, I interpreted the image data and hand drew movement scores where I focused on the river’s pathway. The river’s pathway acted as my base phrase choreographically, and I treated darker spots (dense water usage) as ‘energy triggers’. I created a movement phrase pertaining to each map to embody and physicalize the evapotranspiration, and showcase that water loss equals energy loss. When comparing, I found the movement phrase based on 2022 was slower, more lethargic, and simpler compared to the 2018 movement phrase which was quicker, more spritely and lively. (Citing: